In CARBOOK, photographs can be stored directly in the system! These can be diagnostic results, visualization of specific breakdowns, or photos of products you are selling. Additionally, it can include photos of cash collection, Z-report fixations of the cash register, images of all cars in the workshop at the time of closing the service station, or the queue for appointments in the morning. Now, nothing limits your imagination!

Photographs can be added, deleted, compressed, searched, and filtered. Of course, only those with the rights to perform such operations can do so.

Photos in CARBOOK can be stored in different sections.

Photographs in the product card:

  • Linking photographs to a specific product card
  • Access: References - Products - Product Card - Media Tab
  • Standard operations: view, edit, compress, search, group operations
  • Display of product photographs in the Catalog modal and Selection Window

Photographs in outfit-order:

  • Linking photographs to a specific outfit-order through operations in the spare part line, diagnostics line, or directly in the Media tab
  • Same operations with photos as in the product card
  • In the future - the ability to send photos to the client in the Agreement


  • Gallery (Main menu on the left - Settings - Gallery)
  • Managing all photographs with all possible operations
  • Display of free space, the ability to compress and delete unnecessary photos
  • Access to the Gallery from a mobile phone
  • Storing photographs in a secure cloud storage in Germany
  • Space provided for free to store photos:
    • Specialist 500 MB
    • Master 2,000 MB (2 GB)
    • Expert 5,000 MB (5 GB)
  • The ability to purchase an additional 5 GB for just $5/month