Postings, Accounts, and General Ledger

In business, effective accounting is the key to success. CARBOOK provides advanced functionality for the General Ledger and Postings, simplifying financial accounting and optimizing document management.

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Flexible account plan: CARBOOK offers a ready-made account plan with the ability to add your own sub-accounts. This provides flexibility in creating a financial structure that suits your needs.

Example of built-in accounts that can be modified and supplemented with your own

Real-time in the general ledger: quick access to real balances on accounts thanks to the general ledger. The trial balance and quick navigation make the financial status accessible and understandable.

Example of a general ledger and search for postings by account

Details of postings on demand: view postings based on specific criteria - accounts, documents, or contractors. CARBOOK provides a detailed overview of transactions for a better understanding of financial operations.

Example of postings by account

Automation of postings: simplify routine postings by setting up automatic operations for various documents. CARBOOK helps avoid manual errors and optimizes accounting operations time.

Accounting in CARBOOK is not just information storage, but also a convenient tool for running a business. Learn more and try it out in CARBOOK. Make accounting simpler and more efficient!